Lt Alexander Dow Porteous

1893 Mar 9 Born Glasgow

1901 census at 31, Mathieson Street, Govan

PORTEOUS, William S Head Married M 44 1857 Mercantile Clerk
Wester Elchin, Morayshire
PORTEOUS, Ellen K Wife Married F 40 1861
Selkirk, Selkirkshire
PORTEOUS, Catherine D Daughter F 12 1889 Scholar
Glasgow, Lanarkshire
PORTEOUS, James K Son M 11 1890 Scholar
Glasgow, Lanarkshire
PORTEOUS, Ellen K Daughter F 9 1892 Scholar
Glasgow, Lanarkshire
PORTEOUS, Alexander D Son M 8 1893 Scholar
Glasgow, Lanarkshire
PORTEOUS, Christina K Daughter F 4 1897
Glasgow, Lanarkshire

1915 Jun 25 Landed Mid East

1917 May 30 Commissioned 2nd Lt in A& S Highlanders, Alexander Dow Porteous

1918 Nov 30 Promoted Lt

1920 Nov 10. Arg. & Suth'd Highrs. Th undermentioned temp . Lts . relinquish their commissions on completion of service, and retain the rank o f Lt . : — A . D . Porteous

1920 Dec 13. Joined ADRIC with service no. 1239. Posted to L Coy

1922 Jan 20. Discharged on demobilisation of ADRIC

1922 Jul 27 Leaves UK for USA. Intends living there. He is a salesman.

1923 Jan 19. Naturalised USA

1929 Dec 22. Arrives in UK from USA

1930 Feb 8. Leaves UK for Canada. Glasgow address as on MIC. He is an Auto Engineer living in Detroit

1940 in USA census with wife Mary in Detroit

1942 USA Draft Card

1953 May 31. Died Detroit, USA. Grave