2nd Lt George Livingstone Shaw, RAF

Aged 4


1874 Oct 3. Born Stroud, Gloucester. George Livingstone Shaw was the 13th child of an Essex solicitor. His father Henry Shaw died Oct 1880.

1881 census 2, Pembroke Vale, Clifton, Gloucestershire. He is living with his brother Henry S Hele-Shaw who is believed to have invented the car clutch. And Henry also invented the screw for airplanes that stopped the bolts from unscrewing by vibration and the variable pitch propeller. Philip Egerton Shaw (another brother) became professor emeritus in physics at a university.

1891 census a visitor at Holme Hey, Croxteth Drive, Toxteth Park, Liverpool. He is an Engineering Student

1901 census

1904 Expert Certificate 245 from Aero Club of Great Britain according to his RAF record

1904 Sep 11. High Court of Justice.King's Bench Division. Birmingham District Registry. 1904. W. No. 1684. Between the WOLSLEY SHEEP SHEARING MACHINE COMPANY Limited, Plaintiffs, and Captain G. LIVINGSTONE SHAW, Defendant. To the above named 'Defendant, Captain G. Livingstone Shaw, of Broad Street House, London, E.C. Take notice, that this action was, on the 27th day of June, 1904, commenced against you, and that the plaintiffs, by the writ of summons, claim the sum of £72 13s. 9d. for the price of goods sold; and take notice, that the Court has, by Order dated the 19th day of September, 1904, authorized that service of the said writ of summons upon your brother, — Shaw, of Broad Street House, London, E.C., and by insertion of this notice once in the London Gazette and once in the London Daily Mail shall be good and sufficient service upon; and further take notice, that you are required, within eight days after the insertion of this advertisement, inclusive of the day of such insertion, to cause an appearance to be entered for you at the District Registry Of the High Court, situate at the Court House, Corporation Street, Birmingham, or at the Central Office, Royal Courts of Justice. Strand, London, and that in default of your so doing the plaintiffs may proceed with this action, and judgment may be given against you in your absence.

He had family in Australia so the Sheep Sheering Machines could make sense...John Horne Shaw (another brother) went there in his late teens and stayed. Several great uncles were there as well. Parts of John's extended family were in the tanning business. So a connection to sheep shearing is not far fetched although I can't explain the rank of captain unless he began in another branch of service?

1906 Jun 22 "NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting between us the undersigned, Reuben Burgess and George Livingstone Shaw, carrying on business as Motor Car Dealers and Agents, at Edgemoor Buildings, No. 119, Old Christchurch-road, Bournemouth, in the county of Southampton, under the style or firm of " THE SHAW MOTOR COMPANY," was on the fourteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and six. dissolved by mutual consent.

He appears to have been living in USA, before enlisting in BEF on 7 Mar 1917.

His RAF Record states that his job in civilian life from 1904 to 1914 was self employed as a "Internal Combustion and Civil Engineer"

1917 Nov 1. To be temp 2nd Lt. 1st Cl. Air Mech. George Livingstone Shaw, from R.F.C.

1918 Apr 1. 2nd Lt "Technical". And is sent to 1 School of Aviation for a course in Observation

1918 Apr 24 posted to SAG Hythe.

1918 May 4 posted to SAG New Romney

1918 Jul 27 Posted to France, as "Army Observer". 2nd Lt Flying Officer (Observation)

1918 Aug 20 "Grounded". His RAF record gives no clue as to what happened to ground him and sent him back to hospital in UK

1918 Aug 28 To 30 General Hospital, then on to UK hospital in London

1918 Oct 9. 2nd Lt reclassified as "Admin"

1918 Dec 9. Declared "permanently unfit for further service" in RAF

1919 Jan 29 Relinquishes his commission due to ill health contracted on active service

1920 Oct 1. Joined ADRIC with service no 658. He was with H Coy in Tralee for at least some of his time in Ireland.

1920 Oct 3. On duty with IO at Pheonix Park

1920 Dec 25. Shooting of Reidy & Lean. Gave evidence at the inquest of Reidy and Lean He is a Platoon Commander from his signature, but this position is not shown on Alphabetic roll.. JA Mackinnon and H Wilkinson the Company commander and company 2nd in Command, as well as G L Shaw and RB Robb were on the raid

1921 Jan 1. Appointed Section Leader. i/c Transport

1921 Jan 29 Posted to Depot

1921 Jan 29 to 17 Feb on Leave. This was then extended on Medical Grounds to 3 March

1921 Mar 3. Struck of ADRIC strength "absentee"

1939 Jul 14 Died in London

1939 Jul 29. Buried in Surrey