Lt Bertram James Vine QSA

He claims QSA and KSA. I cannot verify this, but on balance he probably did have them

1876 Aug 16. Born King William Town, South Africa (Canadian enlistment form) He had 1880 on RIC form

He served in Pokwani Rebellion, Boer and Zulu wars

1910 Jul 14. Left UK for Quebec, Canada

1914 Nov 5. To be provisional lieutenant, Bertram James Vine, gentleman. 11th Regiment 1. K. of C

1916 May 20. Joined Canadian Exp Force in Vancouver as Lt. He was an Accountant, now farming

1919 Sep 19. Retires from British Columbia Reg in British Isles

1919 Sep 20 Arrives back in Canada for dispersal He lives in Vancouver

1920 Dec 29. Joined ADRIC with service no 1333. Posted to M Coy, Section Leader and A/CQM

1921 Feb 18 . Reverted to T/Cadet

1921 Apr 22. Posted to Depot.

1921 Apr 26 to 3 Jun 1921. In Stevens Hospital

1921 Jun 3 to 16 Jul 1921. Medical Leave

1922 Jan 19. Discharged on demobilisation of ADRIC

1923 Apr 14 Arrives in Canada from UK

1927 Jul 15 Arrived in UK from Canada. He had been deported. An Accountant. Intended living in England

1939 Register. I think that he is Bertram J Graham-Vine, a servant (houseman) on the Reserve of Officers, living at Exeleigh , St Thomas R.D., Devon,

1942 Apr/Jun marries at St Albans, Hertfordshire to Edith Ada Oggelsby (1896–1964) ' He married as Vyvyan B J J P G Vine

1949 he died in St Albans, Herts as Bertram J P Graham-Vine.